Better Than Silver or Gold

Day 7 of Knowing Him: An Easter Devotional (view all days)

Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care, trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow…. Even angels long to look into these things. For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God. (1 Peter 1:10-23)

Years after Jesus’ death and resurrection, Peter wrote about the mystery of Christ, things that “angels long to look into.” These highest and best truths about God include the mighty act of redemption. Jesus had said he came to gave his life as a ransom (Mk. 10:45), and here Peter says that we were redeemed not by silver or gold (the richest of the world’s riches) but by “the precious blood of Christ” (the richest of God’s treasures, the life of the very Son of God).

Redemption or ransom is at the heart of the Old Testament pictures of salvation. It means to liberate someone by buying them back. God asked the Hebrews to make a sacrifice of every firstborn. For sheep, goats and the like this meant death, but God told the Hebrews to substitute a lamb for their firstborn children. This liberation was ransom. A lamb instead of a son. But in the case of Jesus, it was the Son instead of us.

Remember three “s”s when you think of salvation through Jesus: sacrifice (his death), substitution (him instead of us), satisfaction (the fulfillment of the justice of God). A mystery to us? Yes! One that even angels would love to peer into, if they could.

Ponder This: What is something that you know about Christ today that angels would sing about?

[This daily devotional will appear through Easter. You may receive via email.]

32 thoughts on “Better Than Silver or Gold”

  1. I think the angels would sing about Christ’s love for us and his forgiveness for the sins we commit every day.

  2. The angels rejoice because Jesus is the same now and forever. His love is eternal.
    “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” Revelation 1:8 Alleluiah! Christ is Risen!

  3. Lord of heaven and earth. Our world cannot go on seprate from him he is King of kings Lord of Lords.

  4. The angels might say “Not only has He Redeemed believers with His precious blood, but He bids every believer to Come follow Him, oh what a wonderful privilege”.

  5. That Christ grace, favor and mercy through his shed blood on calveries cross is an invitation to all whom will except him as there Lord and Savoir. No matter who you are where you are from he is no respecter of persons to me that means there is no greater love in this world and that’s somehing for the angels and the world to sing about!

  6. first of all i have been been justified and now through Jesus Christ i have been reconciled to the father. the angels witnessed how filthy we were . when Jesus was on the cross they were so busy up and down collecting the sorrows from one direction then torments ,death, fear, mention them
    this was the duty they had to play on that day but now they see us as saints .

    we have the power over the devil hallelujah am glad that i trample over scorpions, snakes ,nothing will harm me , hallelujah please join me in the praise of our lord ooh glory ,glory ,glory ,glory glory to our master , the spirit of God of whom i habit reveals to me the deeper things of GOD ,the-principles of God waw waw waw angels of God rejoice with me,sing as i listen .ilove you Jesus , if i could write the heavenly language i would because right now am praying in the holy ghost oh Jesus , oh Jesus jeeeeeeeeesus i don;t want to end praising.
    Joyce Uganda

  7. To God be the glory as the angels sing of the Lords faithfulness, the light of truth that is being revealed to us all day, each day, of the unwavering love showered upon us as the word of God never returns void…
    giving undignified praise continuously

  8. The mystery of life and death in beyond human comprehension. Through sin man died spiritually. The death of sinless Christ reconnect the yolk of spiritually dead man back to God through the grace made available by honestly and willfully surrendering ones life to Jesus the same way Jesus surrendered to death.

    Lord Jesus, give me the grace to understand the mistery of what You did for me on the cross. Amen.

  9. I am reminded again of the great sacrifice of our Savior. That for his broken Body and shed Blood for my Redemption. I will be forever grateful to my Savior, Jesus Christ.

  10. He is gentle and Cares about this life He has given to me..He really Loves me..He is gentle and very strong…

  11. He is a forgiving God, and He loved us so much that He sent his son Jesus to be our lamb that took upon our sins and the sins of the whole world.

  12. The angels would sing continually about the Christians who have turned to the kindness and strength of God in these trying times. Sing praises to the Lord for all our blessings!

    I live loved and at last i know and accept this.
    God love is more than any gold or silver, His love is real and true treasured assurances.
    humans can never give

  14. They would sing of his love that is so rich and deep and wide. That He loves even me like i could be the only one. it helps keep me breathing and hope not despair.


  16. Michelle (South Africa)

    Among all the things that have been mentioned, the angels sing about his ability to obey! Obedience even though he knew he was to be born in a stable; got “lost” for three days; was told by his “family” that he had lost his mind; was sought to be killed even before his time; had some people turn their backs on him; was betrayed; was spat on; was hit with different objects; was nailed to a cross; and died for me!

  17. The the thing that I know about christ that the Angles would sing about is that it is only through His precious Blood that I was redeemed from my Sins. Not even gold or silver could have redeemed me or saved me from my sinful soul but the blood of Jesus alone through his death on the cross for my sins could cleanse me through repentance of my sins could make me whole again.

  18. I believe the angels sing about His love for us and if we listen and take the time to think His love is what we need daily. We have everything with His love.

  19. The angels would sing of His unfathomable, unsearchable love for man. They would sing of His unstoppable gaze upon His creation, the One who never slumbers nor sleeps. How can we ever know that kind of love??

  20. I really don’t know what the angels might say but, I thank God for giving us his darling son Jesus who hung died and bleed on the cross so that we may have a right to the tree of life and have it more abundantly, Thank you Lord

  21. The angels would most certainly praise Him with every part of their being and shout Hallelujah and Glory to the King of kings, because they are thankful that they get to be in His presence all the time!! They would cry Holy Holy Holy constantly. Father, grant me the desire and patience I need to want to stay here, when all I want is to be with you right now and forever, shouting Holy Holy Holy and falling prostrate in your presence, praising your name above every name, because of who you are.

  22. Raceah Lea John

    It’s a wonderful thought to think that the angels celebrate with us as we learn more about the person of Jesus.
    For instance, I knew that Jesus was the Passover Lamb, but it only hit me today while I was reading about it, that as Jesus was being crucified, Hebrew families were celebrating the Passover.

    I love how God knows where the gaps in thinking and really registering are, and He Himself fills in those gaps.

    Happy Easter everyone! God bless you richly♥

  23. That Jesus did it all, for us who could do nothing at all. The New Covenant in Christ Jesus, cleared the way of the restoration of Life, because we all came into this world Dead Spiritually and in need of Life. Jesus Christ is the only Life available to us. In Christ we have Redemption, in his Reserected Life, and that is when we receive His Forgiveness of our Sins. We are Saved, not By the Death of Christ, But by the Life of Christ. I can hear the Angels rejoicing now.

  24. What do I know? I KNOW God is faithful. I KNOW I can trust my God. I KNOW of His amazing and great love for me.
    Are these things that are not the most amazing gifts? Are these things not worth singing about?

    They equal peace. Glory in the highest to God in heaven who gives me HIS peace.

  25. I believe that each time one of God’s children who was once lost but now turns from their sin, repents and accepts the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, the angels sing and rejoice!!! All Glory be to God!

  26. The angels would praise our Savior, for his love, his forgiveness, trust, obedience, and I am grateful by praising him with thanksgivings and blessings.

  27. That is a hefty question because the angels could sing about God’s creations, His Glory, Jesus awesome sacrifice and each one of us who comes to Christ.

  28. George T. Kunich

    That even though we were sinners and still sinning. Jesus walked boldly to his death for us. The Love that he has is incomparable it feels like a warm blanket on a cool night. That he carries me when I am weak and holds my hand when I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death.

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